“The Waterboy” - PG-13
Since Adam Sandler’s days on ‘Saturday Night Live’ I have adored him. His humor can be stupid at times, (ok, a lot of the time) but he can make most people laugh. This movie was no exception.
Bobby Boucher (Sandler) is a mentally challenged high school student. He wants to be on the football team, not as a player, as the team’s own waterboy. He takes his job very seriously. He knows all about water. The coach (Henry Winkler) has a soft spot for Bobby. One day at practice Bobby shows his strength as a tackler and the coach recruits him onto the team. The other players are not as accepting of Bobby. This makes for some funny scenes.
Kathy Bates plays Bobby’s overbearing mother. She wants to protect him from the outside world as much as possible, especially from the girl who is interested in him. Vicki (Fairuza Balk) is that girl. She sees more in Bobby than the rest of the kids.
Kathy Bates is as psychotic as her character in Misery, yet terribly funny! You tend to feel for her character, but at the same time think she needs some serious therapy.
Written by Tim Herlihy and Adam Sandler, this film is great. It’s funny, yet dumb witted. It was directed by Frank Coraci. It is not an intellectual movie, far from it, but if you want a good laugh rent this! I recommend this movie, especially if you love Adam Sandler!
©2001 KAC