If you are looking for sex, action or adventure, you have chosen the wrong movie. If you are looking for something to watch with the girls, this is the right movie.
I rented this movie about two weeks ago on my way home from work. I remember the girls saying that they wanted to see it when it came out in the movie theater, but we never got around to it.
I brought it home and you might think I called the girls up to watch it with me. Nope, I made my husband sit down and watch it with movie.
The movie starts off with Jennifer Lopez as a little girl playing with her barbie dolls, dressing them up in wedding clothes and pretending to marry them. After this scene, she grows up and is now a professional wedding planner.
It seems that Jennifer who plays Mary in the movie, never seems to find the right guy to get married herself, but can plan the most perfect wedding for everyone else. She then lands an account for a wedding that will make her a partner. Shortly after landing the account, she meets a gorgeous doctor who she starts to fall in love who just happens to be the soon to be brides fiance.
Meanwhile, my husband is cringing in his seat beside me. He asks me a few times if he can get up and play with his computer, the movie is not interesting to him. There is no action in it, no blood, nothing at all that interests him. Nope, I make him watch the movie with me throughout its entirety.
Girls, this is a definite chick flick. If you feel like torturing your boyfriend or husband, make them sit through this movie. Warning, you will pay for it later. Personally I did not like the way it ended, but others may have a different perspective of this.