I just saw the Wrestler yesterday and the feelings and emotions are yet to sink in.... It is to say the least the most awesome movie I have seen in a long time.....
But it is not the blockbustery and swashbuckling type...with all special effects and action n drama... It is about a professional wrestler (Mickey rourke) called randy the ram robinson. You may remember rourke from the 80s and 90s star of usually soft porn films like wild orchid , 9 1/2 weeks etc.
So this wrestler is well past his prime.he was supposedly very popular in his younger days.but now as he gets older, his life is shown be to be extremely bad state.But he still continues wrestling in small time arenas.His family life is non existent, his daughter does not want to talk to her.
He lives in his van sometimes, having no money and having to work in departmental stores to buy the drinks, drugs and other stuff wrestlers take.Basically his life is a shame compared to his younger days.He has a heart attack as well which still does not deter him from having a popular rematch with one of his past opponents.
The storyline is pretty simple but the beauty is in the treatment of the storyline.The pathos in the film is killing sometimes.some scenes are so raw and heartwrenching that you really feel for the wrestler.He continues doing what he know best that is fight in the ring, that is the only place in the world he feels home and loved.The real world is brutal and difficult for him.
Mickey rourke gives the performace of his life , maybe because the story of his life has been somewhat similar.He has truly risen from the ashes and shown the world what he is capable of.way to go mickey!!!
Although it seems a very arty fare with its rawness and a documentary style , i completly recommend the movie.some where you will identify with the film .it is a story of persistence, of strife some things we face everyday.its director darren arnofsky or some is really a name to reckon with in the future as he seems the intellectual type.........
And wait for closing credits for another treat , bruce springsteen song also of the same name. It has the most brillaint lyrics and completely sums up the movie, even the boss is back with a vengeance.Iit has some beautiful lines like.If u have seen a one trick pony then u seen me.....bet I can make you smile when the blood, it hits the floor. I always leave with less than I had before.....I think oscars should have given mickey the best actor award.......
Enjoy the movie............