I mothers likes to drink coffee early morning. Usually we buy coffee powder of the other good brand. But on this The Indian Bean coffee packet I saw the dates and walnuts photos so I thought as the dates and walnuts are food for health and for good hair growth so I took this coffee powder.
I bought 750grams packet and it costed around 400rs. So after purchase and next day morning I asked my mother to make coffee for me as well. The taste was really Yak, and there was some kind of smell in the coffee. So than after 2-3 days again we made the coffee and had than again it was off some smell and was not able to have coffee.
The add on this coffee packer misleaded the consumer and it was not worth the cost. My mom gave this coffee powder to my servant than even she said it was not of good taste and finally we had to through this powder. They had 3flavours of it. The packing of the product was just Ok. I would not even want to try the other two flavors of this coffee nor want to suggest others to buy.