I say it is really a typical Indian. It is true that the companies in other countries are way too Ethical and responsive compared to Indian companies. Taken example of THE THERMAX the renowned company for boilers. you give a tender for a boiler in newspaper and their consultants will come running to you and say all goodie stuff about their company. By Giving an ENGLISH NAME TO YOUR COMPANY YOU DONT BECOME A PROFESSIONAL COMPANY. At HIMALAYAN FOOD PARK what they did show the the epic example of their unprofessionalism. we give applause to Thermax and the unreliable consultant and once the payment is done it doesnt matter what have delivered and if the consumer is facing problem or not.If you have problem with in reading the order properly please consult some doctor. And please read the orders properly other that enhancing your twitter account and not even seeing the tweet asking about why did you play with Himalayan food park. we tried our level best to reach out to you by twitter we see you post regularly about the achievement about company did did dare reply to out tweet well done.