When Ken Folletts Eye of the needle hit the shelves I read the back cover which did not inspire me much to buy the book, so in the process I did not think of Ken Follett much too...
But 5 years ago when my brother brought home a copy of The third twin by the same author , again I went over the back page with little enthusiasm...But two things attracted me about the book...The third twin ....could be your lover....your friend...or your killer on the front cover page and the possibility of the heroine Jeannie falling in love with a probable killer on the back cover....So I thought of giving Ken another chance, and what a chance it turned out to be....
Basically, the story is based on genetics my favourite subject and the way it is handled is also unique...As the story takes place in a weeks time the chapters are aptly divided into weekdays starting from sunday and graspingly moving till the next monday....
And another thing in its favour is, this is absolutely a female oriented fiction and as I said the heroine Jeannie is researching on the characteristics of twins brought up separately and whether birth or the environment decides their final character....
We lose the track of time when we also research with the cute but strong Jeannie in her quest and her way of handling failure by thinking that, Its not as though you are having cancer and my favourite Jeannie line is ofcourse If Id known men came in this version, I would have ordered one years ago.....And whoever has a copy of this book in your hands just watch out for Steve Logan...
.And now I am one of the proud owners of a copy myself and go through it whenever I feel like it....So, .Happy reading guys...