Own a Copy
Everyone! whether you hate or love reading Seyyul in your Tamil classes you must have a Original copy of TIS in tape or cd.
If you give some strawberry coated bitter medicine, the gen-neXt will take it. Thiruvasagam is not bitter, but its lightly difficult to get in touch with what is life when you are in highly alerted testosterone school days even to mug up the
You know, people can identify their patriotism only when ARR disstress Vanthe matharam more than needed. Times change and so old wine needs new bottle.
Even though this ablum reminds the cinematic format (more on that later), its better to have all these treasures in a format to listen and appreciate than getting forgotten or the worst of not even knowing they exist.
Hats off to ilayaraja and tamil maiyam.These kind of projects should be appreciated and supported in mass by buying a copy of it. So ilayaraja can do more with all his dedication and commitment.
Crazy people, love to hear Mariyathaa.. song , buying in bulk written by some Gana pulavar who knows only rhymes. So its no surprise and indeed sad to hear that there were no recording companies to release this CD. You need a Kerala based company to do that.
[Mallus are always open to art and they appreciate talent. if you have any doubt watch Asianet/Kairali. Somebody asking Surya? Common folks! they are on a mission to revolutionize the culture by airing some SUN Tv Hit formats like metti oli and rely mostly on cinema and drama.]
Hope Welgate cash registers are ringing now. A great cover design including the booklet and still priced at affordable rates. The CD is priced only at Rs.150 INR/-. If it was by Sony or Universal, it would have even hit high. When they thought about setting the price in US$, they made it as $14.95. It should have been priced at $5.99 to satisfy the crowd atleast who thinks 99.99 is cheaper than 100. Hey, there are people who can buy some stupid ketchup songs they dont understand for 32$ but not this Thiruvasagam. (hey! this is some sidekick on the blogs I read, dont mind)
Mud(oops...tt) Connection
Ilayraja proudly announced, that this project was an intiative/and has blessings from Kanchi Jayendra Saraswathi when he was in USA to promote the project a year back. But the seer name never came to press or did ilayaraja acknowledged him openly when he launched the album/or his felicitation meetings. Probably the Kanchi seer arrest has made ilayaraja and Tamil maiyam to avoid mentioning his name.
Tracking the album
When I was doing school, I used to recite thiruvasagam and other songs written on Lord siva in the local temple on Pradosham days. That experience was completely different. Those were set to different tunes. Somebody can throw light on its form.
But this album is like rewinding to ilayrajas classic favourites if you forget there is symphony orchestra. Cannot stop rehearsing Kadhal oviyam when the chorus hails Namasivayam vazhga in the song Polla Vinayen . Along with that seeing
Radha and Karthik running. What happened to me? How can I think about those while hearing Thiruvasagamm?
ehen, Anehan, iraivan adi vazhga was the only line made me to stop thinking about alaigal oyvathillai.
Remember Kalyana Malai, thats what strikes immediately when he opens Masattra Jyothi
We heard Ilayarajas pathos, the grand violin numbers, the thanthana thana, the voice overs he tried in oru oorla rajakumari, I guess thats the drawback of knowing Ilayarajas music especially if you still have hang over from his 75-90
hits. Feel like you heard them before. I guess for people who are in their teens the music will be soothing and refreshing when they try TIS for a change from ARR and Hindi remixes.
Polla vinayen is kind of new experiment with English verses blended perfectly. But I dont understand why it has to be like a Gospel music. It was kind of scaring why you took birth in this pollatha ulagam. I somehow feel Tiruvasagam is not about scaring your existense or the usefullness of it. Its all about lowering yourself and undestand that you are minisule when compared to this universe and drop all that stupidity you are carrying. Plz, Share your comments.
Not sure how ilayraja chosed those verses to be performed. In another recently released movie audio, there is a track in which he and Vali composing a tune. In fact, Vali is penning his lyrics according to rajas tune. This is not a secret anyway. Almost every movie audio works that way. But in TIS, ilayraja amuse himself to find one verse to a symphony. I guess the DVD version of TIS must be having more details onto this recording.
Without knowing Symphony or its orchestration, it will be stupid on my part to review the music form. Thats really nunnukkariya nunnukke and beyond our nunnurive. So I tried to put together what I felt while listening. But when you
crossover the hangover from lingering his classic hits, and pour your mind in the verses its altogether a spiritual experience.
May be you can lighter your surroudning by switching off lights, add few agarbathis, light some candles, create a pleasant environment around you to soak in TIS. Some scary kids can brighten their halls and listen too. :) After listening you will hail eerthennai aatkondanne
Whatever, this album is unique and needs to be supported for the cause.
Urugadar everum ilar...
So whats so special about this album. Its nothing but thiruvasagam. Look at the richness of verses.
listen to the mesmerizing lines in bavatharinis voice which goes ninaithorum, kandorum...! can you explain the ecstasy anything better?
As it goes sollarkariyanai solliya pattin porul-unarndhu then, you cry when it ends avan thal vanangi.... namachivayam vazhga.
After all, the five cents never make sense. Thiruchittrambalam.
Also read
on BeforeTheReview experiences.