For forex exchange, Please avoid Thomas cook. It is cheater company. In my case Kavitha Shekhar(Thomas cook employee) asked me for my Passport copy and Airticket on 13th April. I submitted both document on same day. 4 days later, she replied back that she need my Visa Copy too. I again sent same day. There were no response for 3 days from Thomas Cook side. I sent several mails.
They asked me to contact branch. I contacted Punjabi Bagh Branch and had discussion with Sakshi. She again asked me to get in touch with Chehar Panchal. I sent him an e-mail and he replied back with assurance that he will get my forex delivered by EOD. Next day I called them again and found that Chehar have left for the day due to family reasons.
My case was picked up by Nizam on thomas cook side. He asked me that since the process is already delayed by more than 10 days and Dollar price is increased since my request. I need to pay more money. I asked for refund immediately and they are saying that it will take 5-7 days now.
Thomas cook blocked my money for 10 days and will further keep it blocked for 7 more days. I am suffering because of Thomas cook. You guys can avoid them. They are big cheater in this field.