The satisfactory level is almost bear minimum or almost nil in case of Thomson.You want to burn your money on something useless, then here you have the best option.Go for a Thomson.The worst performing TV set I have come across so far with very bad remote control functions and not so impressive picture quality.Doesnt seem to impress me at all.We regret having given the preference when comparing it with philips, bpl and sansui.Really a big disappointment.
Whats the good thing a Thomson?I dont have an answer for it yet.Will let you know for sure if at all I find one someday.I really feel bad about picking this stuff ahead of all the above brands.Even videocon is a better option when compared to thomson.A biggy in US better remain in the US only.It is not worth a penny in India.Wouldnt even dream of buying any other product of Thomson ever again in my life.