Before going into the real qualitative review lets judge this product on the theory of cost/worth.
How much do u get a cassette player along with a radio for?
How much do u get a ACD player for?
How much do u get an ACD player with VCD player for?
How much do u get a ACD, VCD and an MP3 player for?
How many of the companies gives you ACD + VCD + MP3
Its a bit different technology when we talk about combining the above three features.Thats why most of the manufacturers dont give u all features in one.
Lets look into the cost comparison of above product with not the players but the discman avl. in the market
Sanyo (MP3+ACD+VCD) discman will cost u around 4500/-
and Sony (ACD+VCD) discman will cost around 6000/-. These r just the discman with no speakers, amplifiers, Radio and the Cassette player itself.
So on cost front I feel that this product is a market hit giving Cassette player + Radio + MP3 + ACD + VCD all at a cost of around 5500/-. Do we need to compare any other thing on cost front anymore now???????
If u talk about the quality comparison with the low wattage palyers avl. in the market all I can say is that the Brand Name Thompson can be trusted on electronics front. Some features which u can checkout are Sound clarity & Bass which are really worth.
If u wanna listen to the high ampli music or sound just connect the player to the amplifier and its amazing connectivity will worth UR cost