The company, Thomson, though not so reputed as a Sony or Phillips, but their latest VCD/ACD/MP3 Cassette player, the WMP 3005, is a very good peice of electronics...coming easily up to the standards of Sony or any other major brand.I purchased my peice from Alfa in Irla for Rs.4, 000/- which was far better than those 6000+ price tags for the unknown Korean brands and Sony which come in the size of a Discman..
The VMP 3005 comes with a silver and blue colouring, which is an excellent blend, the blue given in the needed areas, such as the cassete cover, CD cover lining and the handle.Its a bold and unique colour combination, and a pleasant change than the usual, silvers and blacks we see on most such electronics.The VMP 3005 features a Radio, VCD, Audio CD, Audio Cassette playback facilities.I must frankly say that the manual tuning of the system can sometimes be a pain and voice clarity is not all that good.The Audio Cassette also plays a bit too slow and all effects cannot be felt, especially Trance music, where lots of beats and sounds are featured.But I found this deck to be a winner where I wanted it to be, in the Compact Disc section, with mind blowing picture clarity while playing Video CDs, an easy to use interface for MP3 CD interaction and Video CD interaction.It features a 2X(two times) and 4X(four times) zoom feature, and also features a common Sony feature, the Digest where several scenes are displayed with number tags so you can start immediately from the scene you dropped off in case you shut it off by mistake.The ACD quality is good, and very clear, with bass effects and sounds amazing.
Overall, the system has been beaten in the Audio Cassette and Radio department, but these are sections which are soon getting outdated, especially the cassestte, as Radio as found a new way of life...The VMP 3005 is worth it if you consider the normal 6000+ price tag for JUST A VCD/MP3/ACD player, whereas here for 4 grand you get these three features plus casseste record and playback and a radio.