I recently bought a thums up 600ml bottle in dombivli, dist thane, a suburb of mumbai. just wanted to quenh my thirst and couldnt find pepsi...!!!
Anyway, let me tell you that I have a huge capacity to digest all sorts of nonsense and non-nutritious stuff, so I can gulp down abt 1 ltr of any aeratd drink anytime..
So, I came home and drank about half of it and noticed that there was something floating in the drink. there was no offensive smell coming from it, but I was curious...
I couldnt see it properly as the thoms up was frothy, with all the bubbles at the surface..
so I went to my kitchen and filtered it and to my surprise found something like 8 tiny legs in that blob of brown gooey substance...
but I was still not sure that it wa san insect, so I crushed it between my thimb and forefinger and the poor dead creature oozed some darkish fluid...
I immediately felt a wave of nausea hit me, and tried to vomit out all that I had drunk that evening..
I couldnt go to the retailer as it was past 10 in the night and he would have already shut shut shop...
i was a was so angry that I emailed to the email ID that ws printed in the wrapper/label..
but there was no reply.. its been almost 2 weeks now.. luckily I have got no side effects except nowadays I just feel so disgusting that someone fed me a dead and processed insect...
but I am well past the mental agony now...
the only worse thing being that I remain thirsty a lot when travelling, unless i find a Nariyal-Paani-wala, which is not as widespread as the drinks...
i have stopped buying ALL sorts of aerated drinks, be it pepsi or thums up...
when I narrated this incident to my friend (who does not dink aerated drinks but only maaza and mangola), he told me that he had once found a rotten mango piece inside mangola, and that made him stop those too...
previously I used to think that the Centre For Science And Environment (or whatever the name is) only used to target the softdrink cos for publicity for no reason at all.. but now I believe every word they have said in the past...
not only has the co. done something inefficintly, but their cust service is pathetic too.. if they dont care for the customer, then why put the feedback email address in the label in the first place...
i found an insect, maybe there are a thousand things in there which are invisible to the eye.. you might say I am paranoid but then after thinking of pesticides, insectides, lead, arsenic, mercury, etc. I guess you guys will be too... (these and some similar stuff was found in them as I can remember from the newspaper reports in the past few years)..
I hope this review enlightens everyone out there to the perils of these unhealthy and dangerous drinks...