If you grew up in India in the 80s, and if you drunk a Cola, there was a 99% chance that you had Thums Up. The rest 1% drunk Thril(at its peak also was non-existent). So little choice at that time, made Thums Up my preferred cola.
I have tried all the other COLAs which hit the market including Pepsi, Thril, Coke, Cadburys and few local unmentionables. After 20-25 years of cola drinking I think Thums Up is the cola for me for the following reasons:
1) The dammmm (soda punch)in it
2) The controlled sweetness in it.
3) The shape of the bottle..;)
4) Mere desh ki dharti ka cola!! mera rang de basanti chola..:)(Although owned by Atlanta, but hai to mere des ka brand na!)
5) The adventure image it associates with it
6) The sake of continuity with a tried and tested product
7) The way it gives sales blues to Atlanta, despite Atlantas Parle buyout and stopping Thumps Up promotion to phase it out. They realised their folly and today Thums Up accounts for Atlanta Indias highest percentage sales..;)Talk about chota bachcha supporting his well settled elder brother.
Anybody who values the above points, will like this cola.
It is advised that following people should not try this cola:
1) People with gastro-intestinal problem should not have this cola as it may create additional complications.
2) People with sugar tooth fixation!
3) People suffering from the Grown Up disease, drinking for the sake of Salman/Sushmita endorsing it.
4) People drinking Thums Up for quenching thirst!(U end up wanting more;)
5) People trying Thumps with Gin, Vodka and whisky (THats criminal!! It is a religion to drink it with RUM else drink virgin from the bottle only;))
Here are few tips for Thums Up appreciation:
1) Should be served at 7-8 degrees centigrade.
2) Anything less will make you wait for the ice to melt out!.
3) Avoid shaking the bottle to lose out the fizz.
4) Religiously served with Christian Brothers & Old monk rum Best alcoholic use: Rum+ Thums up+ a drop of creme de menthe+ fresh mint leaves+ crushed ice.
5) Recommended to have with: Baked hard biscuits, monginis slice cakes, tea cakes and soft buns. (Scientific reason: THe sweet dryness in the bread, cake and biscuit is well matched by the pearly drops drink balancing the sweetness and giving a unique experience)
TIP: Whenever ordering Thums Up from a fountain soda, make sure the attendant pours Thums Up slowly in your glass, so to avoid the extra fizz occupying your glass.