One must wash clothes that is a fact of life! And choosing a washing powder for your family needs to be a wise choice. You need to make sure that no one is allergic to it and that it will clean the dirt and grime that gets into the cloths just on a daily basis.
I have used lots of different washing powders over the year. I use to use Tide™ for a long time. But as the economy got bad and prices went up, I looked to other brands that would give me the same results that Tide™ had always done. And have found and used such products.
But recently Tide™ was on sale at my local grocery store and I got a box of it. And it still has the same cleaning action that it did a long time ago.
The Product
Tide™ with bleach Mountain Spring scent is one of the best washing powders on the market. It has a unique activated bleaching system that will remove many tough stains and whiten the whites and not strip the color from the color clothes. And I like that a lot. There is nothing worse than to ruin your daughters new shirt, the one she spent hours agonizing over, the one that became her favorite from the moment she bought it, with a detergent that stripped the color away.
Tide™ with Mountain Spring is safe for all washable colorfast fabrics, including those with care labels reading “Only Non-chlorine Bleach”. Some fabrics may be susceptible to color changes when you wash them as directed.
You should test for colorfastness however. And to do that you should check the label on the clothing for directions by the manufacturer. You should dissolve about 2 tablespoons of Tide™ in one cup of hot water. Then soak a piece of the clothing in that solution. Rinse and dry. If a color change is detected wash garment separately in cold water. That’s it! Of course I wash most all of our clothes in cold water.
It’s safe for all septic tank systems, has no chlorine bleach and no phosphates.
The box is the usual orange with the navy blue word “Tide” and the words “with bleach” are in white. The box is 100% recycled paper.
Carries the Seal of Cotton, which is a registered trademark of Cotton Incorporated.
And Osh Kosh B’Gosh recommends it.
The box I got is an 87 oz (5.43lbs) (2.46kg) The cost was $4.49 US Dollars. Which was $2.00 off the normal price.
The Company
Procter & Gamble® make Tide™. You can call at: 1-800-879-8433 or visit if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Tide also comes in various other types, for all skin types in the family. And when in doubt you can always go with the dye free types. Some dyes in washing powders do cause allergic reactions to people.
How I Feel
Well like I stated above I use to use Tide™ all the time until it became too expensive for me. But I am glad it was on sale. I had forgotten how well it cleaned our clothes. I mean, my husband really gets his uniforms greasy at work, and Tide™ took all of that grease out and I didn’t have to soak them.
I also will use it with the delicates on the delicate cycle. It’s a soft detergent and because of that I trust it with my Sunday dresses. I also trust it with my grandson’s clothes and with my blouses.
And the hand wash items, I will wash in the delicate cycle with no problems. However, sometimes I will just let the washer fill up, put in my Tide™, let it dissolve and then hand wash right there. After removing the items and letting the washer go through the rest of the cycle, I put the items back into the rinse water. I will use the spin cycle to get all the excess water out.
And with all the iron in our water, Tide™ seems to help fight it. So far, my new white shirt has gotten no iron stains on it. Now I don’t know for sure if Tide™ has anything to do with that or not, but it certainly seems to.
If you want to try Tide™ you can go to the laundry mat and buy one of those small boxes from out of the laundry machine. Try it and see what you think. Also, sometimes the site will give away free samples so check that out as well.
And remember to keep any cleaners out of the reach of children. Should a child come in contact with Tide™ do the following: for the eyes flush with water. If swallowed, give a glassful of water or milk and call their doctor immediately.
Oh one other thing that you can do with Tide™, well I suppose any detergent. You can make a paste out of it for tougher stains. Use 2 tablespoons of detergent, a little water to wet it, you don’t want it to be too soupy, so don’t add to much water. Then take the mixture and apply directly on the stain. And wash! Sometimes you may need to let stains soak a little longer, depends on what kind of stains.
I have also found that Tide™ works great on ink, grass stains and ketchup stains. I do admit though I will use a pre soak product sometimes, because I don’t care what kind of detergent you use, some stains need help in coming out of your clothes!
I hope that this has helped in some kind of way.
God Bless!
©LKD 2002