I used Tikona Broadband for 7 months after worst service I have disconnected the service. 7th November 2011, I called the customer care 5 to 6 times to resolve my issue but no response from them, on the same day I told them to disconnect the service but I forgot to get the reference number.
After two month on 09-jan-2012 I got Tikona bill stating that I have to pay 2142 rupees I called the customer care and asked why I should pay 2142 since I have disconnected the connection from November 2011 but they said that request details not processed properly so the connection still active and after the customer care associate said however I will take the complaint now and disconnect the Connection.
After one month Tikona customer care agents called me and asked me to pay the bill amount but I explain them I faced lot of issue and I did not use the connection for 3 months but they billed for that as well. The actual Amount pending is 899 for the month November 2011. After two years now today 30-May-2013 I got a call from this number:+ 91 7505438254 that guy told me that I have to pay the outstanding amount otherwise Tikona will file a case against me in consumer court.
Then I contacted tikona customer care and asked them regarding the same asked for itemized bill because the actual outstanding amount is 899 November-2011 due. But they asked me to pay 2142 which includes Dec-2011 and Jan-2012 where did not use internet on Dec-2011 and Jan-2013 and the modem was taken by the tikona guy on November 2011 itself. However money is not issue for me I paid that amount today 30-May-2013 online. But here the problem is they did not provide me proper service, I called customer care many times my time was wasted; they charged me 2 months extra my money waste and mental stress for me unnecessarily.
They have all the mistakes but I have to suffer unnecessarily by thinking all these. These people are exploiting the customer; I’m fed up with tikona.
Customer ID: 1103564399
May 31 2013 again I checked
Today I checked the entire history of my bill. The actual outstanding amount pending is less then Rs.500 and also I have paid 1500 as deposit amount 750 was reduced in first month bill the remaining 750 they have to pay me back after closing this connection. Totally the have cheated me around Rs.2200, Fraud company, cheat, criminal these kind of company should be sealed. Why the government sleeping, I guess its Indian citizens fate.