Tikona is provide poor service. Do you know its plan this is 10 GB 4mbps after 10GB this goes slow down by 512 kbps. And its price is 629. This company make a fool for all conumer. I am not payment of tikona to speed is 4 mbps after I am paid is so this gone to slow to 512 kbps.
This paln is only run 10 days after than its gone a slow. When I can call to custamer care he was not get me a answer. He told me pay 100 rs and get 5 gb more. I can tell after I can paid 100 rs so total is 729 rs. We can 729 to purchesd more best quality of other brodband company.
This is not best brodband company. But this company is devlop its plan at lowest price and best service quality so I can buy it but not a at. Some times this is not give internet connection. Not open this login page. Raini season this brodband is useless.