Hi this ia ashok from Hyderabad, I took tikona wireless broad band internet 449 unlimited plan connection while taking the connection sales agent said the installation is absoulty free and he wants me to pay 1100 as 2 months and said that these amount will be deducted from my first 2 months monthly bill. After getting the net installed for the first two days the net worked fine after two days the story started the net was damn slow it took atleast even to open google landing page, when I called the coustmer care agent and explained my problem he told me to clean the tempory file and said that the net will work fine But its of no use I almost called for 4 to 5 times to coustnmr care he kept saying story and finally he said that my max data usage is exceeded so the net speed went down.He said that I need to wait upto next month to get proper speed as had I downloaded few movies for the first two days I thought that its my fault I waited for next month to come . But the same thing repeated in the next month when I asked coustmer care that I havent used net much but the net was dam slow then he told me do some speed test and all and finally gave a stupid answer saying that it may problem with my Laptop I yelled at him saying that how come he balme my brand new laptop for his poor service.
After getting feed with all this stupid stuff I told the coustmer agent to disconnect the net as I dont to use it any more.After two I got a call from tikona that I need to pay bill for the two months I told them that while insatllation ur agent I dont pay any bill for two months and installation is free.But he said that there is no sceem like that and installation is not at all free I made argument and finally made 300 payment . I Wonder why these idiots hire bass as sales person and tempt custmores to take connection and cheat them like this .I Suggest you guys not to go fro TIKON internet connection Not only this even the service was bad "At the time of demo everything works fine but after getting the connection you will face problems