I had installed tikona about 2 years back.the cunning sales representatives (mind you sales, not marketing or customer care) came and tried to close the deal in seconds.to him i wasnt a customer but another target on his sales sheet.the installation worked out fine.then came the many problems in the connection...delay in connecting to the web, no connection or extremely low speeds. The technician they send is not with the company.once when i called him first instead of the company, he demands 300 bucks for what he did.whats is surprising that when he is sotting there, he got a call from tikona to go to my house.so yes i may have called him, but once he got the call he was surely to be paid by tikona for servicing my problem.but this guy used this to make the extra buck.i never called anyone over for 6 months in fear of further ludicrous charges being demanded.another "usp" about them is that they dont come to collect payment even after u called them to do so!!Before my due date of bill, i placed call for home collection.
No one arrived and yet my connection was suspended for 3 weeks citing "non-payment"!!!Only after complaint to the top management was any positive action taken.two months back i removed their connection and i am using another isp.but guess what?? They are yet to terminate my account because as usual-no one has come to collect the pending amount!! Two weeks after asking for home collection!!!!No interest in collecting their equipment either.this has been a horrible experience and i am so glad i am no longer their customer!