Hello Dear friends, I have been using Tikona since 3 months. they are making us foolish. Speed is worst. Here are some pros and cons:-
1)Device is good but speed is not as much as.
2)Wireless use Tikona by this anybody can access net in india from anywhere. by your username and password, if this device is somebodys home.
3)Very easily check your amount which you have to pay.
4)Every Information It provides you.
5)If there is rain or clouds. It works well.
6)It is better than BSNL(Landline Broadband) because BSNL doesnt wireless net to your home.
1)Speed is worst.
2)Service is poor.
3)They said we provide 4Mbps(Mega bit per second it is not Mega Byte Per Second) so the actual speed is 4*1024/8=512KBPS speed.
4)After 4Mbps it convert into 512Kbps which is 64 KBPS.
5)Jio is providing marvelous speed compare to Tikona.
If you are making plan for purchasing Tikona device so from my side dont go for it. Otherwise same problem happen with you. Go for Jio or other broadband.