By the numerous other articles with the same plight as mine, my fears are confirmed that I have been trapped by a hoax of a wireless isp "Tikona".
We took the internet connection at Pimple Saudagar, Pune as it was the only one available in my locality. Two Tikona labeled engineers came to our place for inspection whether we had network connectivity in our home. After wasting almost 2-3 hrs in useless speed tests and network configurations, they declared that we are lucky to have such good connectivity at our place although the wireless tower was quite far off. They quickly sold us this useless thing with installation and everything done in 1 day. As soon as they left our home, the network started flickering and finally within a day dwindled altogether.
We could never connect to internet on our laptop after that 1st day. We moved our laptop to different positions in the whole house and adjusted the wireless antennae to even more weird positions on the window edge but to no avail. It never got revived. After about 1 month of useless attempts to make it work, we finally raised a request with the Tikona customer care for disconnection. It has been more than 15 days now since my request but no one has bothered to come up and look into the matter. Very incompetent and unsound customer support.
I would request everyone to keep away from the pathetic service provided by this new brand of isp.