I am using tikona since Dec-2011 my id is 1105287528. I was a happy customer till the any major issue arises in the connection dated 12-7-2012.. There speed is good as I am a heavy net user and as there is login system , it is easy to control data usage.Yes one thing I should mention I am using net since 2005 and since then I had tried MTNL , TATA , Relince, Airtel, MTS now we go with the issue with tikona.
The problem starts after first rain fall in our area near Rohini , Delhi in july ( I think this is the reason )
May be bad weather or there poor maintenance staff till date 17-7-2012 I do not have proper resolution of my problem ( comp no: 1-2386707519 ) , before I was thinking to go for 4 Mbps plan as I am using 2Mbps currently after this breakdown and delay in resolution ( as I am loosing my business also due to this delay ) I am thinking to drop my plan and even I am thinking to disconnect my Tikona connection now.Waiting for there resolution if it get done properly I might stay with it as it is not easy to switch ISP provider since you have security money deposits and disconnection is also not a easy process.