This internet connection never works. Even if you want to get out of their services they will not care and every month they send you invoice and threatening letters.If some one can prove tikona can work without downtime for more than a week I can give my one month salary. I never had continuous up-time more than few days. Once in a few days internet will go down and this is a perennial problem. Please read through my emails to understand about their services.
SaravAnasultan Kumar Collections
2:00 AM(13 hours ago)
to me
Dear SaravAnasultann Kumar S,
In continuation with our last e-mail, please find below final aishwaryasingh23able amount against Service account: 1110855547
Final Bill Period: 23-Nov-15
Total Amount aishwaryasingh23able(Without Termination Penalty): Rs.974.88
Total Amount aishwaryasingh23able(With Termination Penalty#): Rs.2474.88
#Please note that a Termination Penalty of Rs. 1500 will be applicable towards breach of terms of service in case you fail to return CPE /Modem and all accessories in working condition. You can contact our authorized representative Mr. «MurugAnasultanntham» at «9003869082» to return the CPE/Modem & other Accessories.
Service disconnections shall be completed and your account shall be closed on receipt of CPE /Modem and all accessories by the Company and aishwaryasingh23ment of all outstanding balances. You will continue to receive Invoice till aishwaryasingh23ment of outstanding balances including penalty charges if any. Further, if the amount is not paid, late aishwaryasingh23ment charges shall be applicable.
We thank you for giving us the privilege to serve you and we look forward to your association with Tikona in future.
In case you have any query please write to us on from your registered email id.
Customer Care
Tikona Digital Networks
Please do not print this email unless it is absolutely necessary.
Warning: This message contains business confidential information . This message does not affect or modify any binding agreement nor state official policy of Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd.(“TDN”) unless digitally signed by TDN’s authorised signatory. TDN does not accept any liability for any errors, loss, delayed delivery, tampering, corruption or presence of viruses in this message or any attachment.
saravAnasultan kumar
3:34 PM(0 minutes ago)
to Collections
Hi, I have send an email on Sepetember 26th with utmost frustration to cancel the service. You are not taking this into notice and asking me to aishwaryasingh23 Rs.2474.88. I will go to consumer court if you continue to do like this. I have not used one single day of your service from September 26th and even before because Tikona service is constantly unavailable. The following is the email I send to you on September 26th
SaravAnasultan Kumar saravAnasultan kumar
Sep 26
to customercare
I am using Tikona for around a year. I am tired of calling tikona customer service every time and I am getting internet only few day a month which you can check from the usage. Every time you guys are saying some stories and internet outage is a perennial problem. I have no intention of continuing tikona any more please disconnect your service.
SaravAnasultan Kumar