I have been using Airtels broadband for well over 4 years now, and never had any major problems or issues with the connections. Suddenly, I sawadvertisementsfor Tikona Wi-Bro and saw that it was available at my area here at Chennai. The pricing was very attractive, and decided to risk the connection for a month, and Signed up mid-way in May 2010, I signed up for a 2 MBPS Circut breaker plan for 399+ tax.
During the last one month, Ive had such a horrible experience. Almost every day from about 8 AM to 8 PM, the internet would not work, or would be at very slow speeds like 10 Kbps, where in no page would load, repeated calls to customer care fell in deaf ears, and by night the connection would resume, and speeds were amazing later on at night, (But, thats not what I signed up for) a slight rain, medium winds, everything will make tikona stop working.
Finally, I disconnected Tikona, and have reverted back to my old broadband service, and now things are back to normal.