This is with reference to -
I.d - 1116530049
Registered Name - Kalash Jain
Registered No.- 9820649002
Your sales person in Gundavali, Andheri East comes and lies with you about the service. We have paid for advance 3 months for opting 30 GB plan 750/- per month.
And the reality is something really different. Speed sucks. I have not been able to get the requisite quality services from 1 May 2016(you can check the log session) & calling daily for the resolution but till date the issue is not at all resolved. Engineer never had visited the place since installation & declared my area as non fesible.
Yesterday I have filled for closure of services and requested to refund my amount for the period I havent received services but they are not returning it, What a tragedy?
I am planning to go for legal action against my unsolved grievences. Kindly look into the matter on priority basis & revert me ASAP.
Kalash Jain