I was using Tikona internet services & truly speaking that was the biggest mistake I made.
I was using "ADULM4096", which says 4 Mbps speed, but the average seems to be somewhere 2 Mbps or less, Although on some of my lucky days, speed went as high as 2.5 Mbps. Their internet services were most of time down & on calling the customer care, the usual answer was always the same: Tower maintenance.
I disconnected my connection on last march, but I am still having a hard time to convince their customer care that I have no dues left, even though after getting a signed full settlement letter, I have to run to their individual departments to show the proof that I am no longer using their services.
Guys, please dont just see the cheap prices, look for the value. For Tikona, I will say, It is just a hype & all fuss. Dont do the same mistake, which I did.. Look for some reliable internet service provider, even though you have to shell out a little extra bucks, but you will excellent connection, customer service & not to forget, peace of Mind.
Dont ever take tikona, worst internet service provider.