I have personally used tikona internet for almost 4 months in Gurgaon sector 23 region.
No stability at all. The internet could be disconnected anytime that too for long hours or may be few days and there is no good customer support service. Long waiting on phone calls and no proper resolutions. No one comes to visit and resolve the issue. Daily 7-8 times they ask you to power off router and then again switch on and check. Out of 24 hours it is not working for 12-15 hours sometimes more. Very poor service. Think twice and be prepared for daily trouble. Though they try but there are problems in their system which are inherent and they cannot do much about it . Their network is not that expanded may be thats the reason they are unable to resolve the issues. Whenever asked they have problems at back end or the problems in antennas mostly.
Daily calling them for the internet not working complaints costed more than the even tikonas bill. So no use of this cheap internet yeah, they do give you few refunds i.e., they add the money back to your account they credit the money according the days the net was not working but thats really of no use since the connection you are gonna take is for the internet usage and if its not working what will be the money in account do,
Once I had a conversation the support team for about 2 hours. I insisted them a lot to refund my money back as I had already paid the advance of three months but even after so much of efforts I made they did not agree to refund back my money but yeah they gave me few days refunds that I already told was credited to my account and so I was able to use net for 3.5 months and so by paying for 3 months.
And yeah sorry forgot to tell you the speed they provide is really good if the internet works I mean when there are no issues.Even I had these sort of lucky days as well when there was no issue though very rarely. The costs are comparatively very low to other internet service providers. So I would recommend only go for this internet if the system is properly set up in your area. I was really frustrated with the service they gave me in sector 23 gurgaon. Very poor service.