I paid Rs 1500 cash for tikona 799 monthly plan of 4mbps speed on 16 dec 2011.I wanted to keep their modem at specific location in my house and wanted to use my personal WIFI router for connecting multiple devices, else dont wanted connection, as it would clutter my house with wires.Sales guy promised that I can keep it there, and would get 4mbps speed. but he gave me demo by keeping their modem on bed in center of room. I kept on repeteadly asking sales guy to keep it at specific location, he kept on promising it will work from there as well same.As payment was collected on friday as cash, I was promised installation will be done on following sunday. he highlighted that they are open on sundays too3 days later installation guy called(not immediate sunday as promised), he could not come upto 12 pm, which I said could wait for him on weekday. So installation was moved to next saturday, 8 days later. Also he said he wouldnt connect my personal WIFI router as promised by sales guy, and asked me to talked to sales guy or customer care.I asked him to cancel the order.Sales guy called me up, and promised that he will connect my WIFI router himself and make it work for me.Finally installation guy came on 24 dec 2011. I asked him to keep model at my specific location. He said for activation its required to keep in center of room(on Bed), he made connection on bed and asked me not to disconnect for 2 hours and left. After 2 hours asked me to move modem, modem was lying on bed when he left.After 2 hours I moved modem myself, it was not giving me promised 4mbps speed.Sales guy informed that** now I have to move modem/receiver outside room, on window grills. I know that they dont do wiring, and keep everything hanging. So I dont wanted to do that.Next day I started having problem with connection. Customer support takes 15-30 minutes to connect. they were not able to resolve problem and ask to call customer support with option 3, so that installation guy would come and help. Knowing earlier experiance that he could come only on saturday. I decided to cancel connection, next day itself after installation.I called customer care and asked for disconnection. they transfered me to 2-3 people, where everytime I had to repeat my problems. finally one guy agreed to create ticket for disconnection, and gave me its ticket number(1-2073988691). and said that someone would call me in 3 days for disconnection procedure, and said nothing more was required from my side.No one called me in 2 days, so I called myself again, this time I was asked to send send email also to customer care. Which I did on 27 december. No one called in initial 3 days, so I called again customer service next day. I was promised someone would call me in 4 hours, but no one called me that day.Again after 2 days, 29 december I called to check status, I was promised that I will be informed soon for full and final settlement. I said that I will release their modem only after I get full and final settlement refund by cash of check.Its 2 Jan 2012, no one has called me yet. and I am not going to call customer support now and waste my time.Also they have weird browser login through every device. so even if I connect my mobile phone through WIFI, I have to login through browser. It would have been clear to me about this problem, had sales guy had given me proper demo. then I would have known spped and login issue earlier and wouldnt have order connection at all.I have bought all this headache for Rs 1500, what a waste of time and money.