TIKONA wibro is the worst internet.
Dont ever use it .i have used it its very slow and download speed is just seven kbps. Dont ever use it.the service is also poor when u call cust care they keep u on hold for large couple of time. So if u want internet connection dont ever try tikona .one person from customer care came to my home to solve my problem he did agreed about slow speed he took some detail and gauranteed that they will solve my problem as soon as possible but they didnt replied a tall so I have decided to disconnect tikona.(same thing again, cust care kept me on hold for 15min).
After then some one disconnected my call.i have called several times and the same thing repeated.
But atlast I got a success someone replied for my disconnection request and they said your connection will be disconnected within a week. But believe it I still have a connection after a month of my complient.another thing I would like to notify you about the fluke bills. After getting tikona connection I received Rs.1300 bill saying Rs.800 for my kit that they gave during connection and Rs 500 is monthly bill but the fact is I have paid Rs800 during connection itself I called cust care and same waiting again.but this time they reduced my Rs 800 and allowed me to pay Rs 500 only.
The next month bill was Rs.660. My plan is Rs299/month and they told me that after when my usage exceeds Rs.599 it will be free for unlimited usage.which mean my bill will never exceed Rs.599.But when I called cust.care (ofcourse I waited for 15 min to proceed my call) as I got the bill for Rs 660, they replied that Rs 60 is the service charge of 10%.which I was didnt told during connection.
TIKONA CHEATS YOU A LOT.DONT EVER TRY TIKONA. Theres many more but I have got bored to type all that damn things.