Yes its true that being a customer of tIKONA is not less than a paid mental harassment.Customer id 1112004388. its registered by Abhishek.
WE have been complaining for speed and connectivity issue for more than a month ans finally decided to stop paying their bill till we dont get fixed. but after 2 months of due payment the issue is not yet fixed and till date we are facing same problem.
THeir technician visited and after that it worked fine for 1 day and when I felt fine and wanted to pay my out standing; the same issue arrises and its not fixed ever after 8 days
we got call from advance technical team on sunday but as I was in a meeting I couldent answer it on that day and they thought the issue is taken care of and closed our complaint . . . .
the only thing left is to stop paying them and screw them legally if they come asking for money for such miserable service