My Tikona customer id is 1108845424. For 9 months I paid around INR 1600+ for the worst of the worst service. It never worked really. Not even for a single day I was happy with it. Raised multiple complaints and some one will come go upstairs see something and then same issue continues. So I applied for disconnection on 5th June 2014 and I got acknowledgement on 6th June 2014.
They told me I can use it for 10 days and there will not any charge but I asked for immediate termination. Finally they terminated it on 16th June 2014 and raised a bill of INR 1680 on 14th June 2014!. Now they are asking me to pay or face legal Action!.WTF. I am not going to pay at any cost and I will never go for Tikona or will never recommend tikona to anyone.