If you are in IT business than you definitely need Fast and reliable internet connection. and there are many service providers but I found tikona is most responsible, lower issues rate and quality service, Responsible Staff, Plan is little high price but in front of quality price is not much high.
Speed of ISP:
You know every ISP written speed is different and given speed is much different, but not with tikona always ive speed according to your plan and you can always rel on it, your work will never gonna pending due to connection problem.
Connection Reliability and Issues:
I found that beyond all service provider you can only rely on Tikonaat the best price, they are giving best speed and fast support.
Yes, sometimes connection problems may occur but not so much frequently and better support than other ISP.
Service and Support:
There phone call support line is 24*7 on and issues are always solve very fast except any big problem. payment methods are easy.
Overall: Tikona is best for business because its more reliable but plans are costly so if you wanna connection at home, you can check other too.