Im gonna keep it very brief and honest. Here are some things I observed.
Max internet speed available us 4 Mbps.
Connection breaks frequently. When you call the support team, the only solution what they provide is reboot the router. Although I discovered another alternative solution. Tikona is a DHCP connection, hence when the connection breaks all you need to do is reset the WAN connection(release n renew IP) and youll be back online.
Support team are very helpful but not qualified or skilled.
The worst of all is the disconnection process. They will not accept your request for over several months, forcing you to pay for those periods. They will keep calling, trying to retain you even after 2 months after you sent them a disconnection request. Then finally they will make you a months fee as disconnection fee. Its totally ridiculous.
So yeah, I would say the internet is decent(not great) with the frequent drops. And helpful support team but lousy n annoying customer care during disconnection.