Time Bomb has been really gripping serial till date.
The plot is tight with Osamas attempt to make another 9/11 attack on a wider scale...nuclear explosion in 4 countries across the world on the same date. How an Indian intelligence officer and PM take efforts to stop such nuclear attack and protect is woven in each episode.
Actors - Kay Kay Menon, Rajeev Khandelwal, Akashdeep Sehgal are of par excellence. Kay Kay is Anirudh Prakash, PM of India, Akashdeep is Usman, son of Osama and Rajeev as Varun Awasthi, RAW officer. Rajeev Khandelwal is my favorite and does full justice to his role.
Editing - Full marks. Best ever editing in any of TV soaps. The way each episode is formatted is commendable.
Pace - Serial moves at brisk pace.. no lags.
Best of all, its time frame, the serial has definite end...
On the cons side, I feel President of India could have been potrayed better. Too much politics of blackmail, ditching! No doubt politics is bad, I feel most of them are united when country is in threat.