I joined the TIME Institute at Vashi, Navi Mumbai for CAT09+ CET10 and felt it was an absolute waste of my time and my hefty fees. Before joining the classes, they promised me too many things but all these things either dont really exist or else they are inaccessible to many. Just to sum up a few of the problems I faced .(Contact me for more if required).
-> Doubt Clearing Sessions or the Seminars that used to happen were on weekdays and it was sometimes difficult to take good use of them.
-> Lecturers were not upto the mark. Either they were too full of attitude and used to teach at their level(ex-IIM Students) or else they were too foolish and were not able to explain things in an appropriate manner, as expected.
-> Time Table was never available online and they never sent SMSs/e-mails even after requesting for it. If you miss a class, you would have to either walk down or call up the institute to get details of lecture next weekend.
-> Inspite of joining a weekend batch, the classes for Other Management Entrance Tests were kept on weekdays, which again was never informed.
-> Inspite of joining classes at Vashi Branch, I was always asked to travel to other branches of TIME for any Other Management Entrance Classes and GD/PIs.
-> They SMS you just ONE DAY before the GD and the PI slots to attend on weekends and no preference can be given whatsoever to any student if they are busy at specific timings. Their timings once fixed cannot change.
-> In order to know who all would be appearing for CAT and to get their Admit Cards, they hold up some notes and release them only on submission of the CAT Admit Card.
I would suggest all the "junta" to make sure that you guys check and get all details before you pay the hefty fees to T.I.M.E.
I would suggest joining some other institute or studying yourself rather than joining time4eduction and ruining up your chances of getting a precious IIM Seat!