Kumaran sir has done a good job.THe paintings seen on the site https://ufoindia.org/article_ps_ancientufos.htm
shows ufos in them .So was ufo incidents happening in the past and was indian people communicating with the aliens from different earth like planets on the universe??
there is also much said about sophiticated technology used by Indians in the past.But now no one knows it.
The matrix moovie by watchostky brothers is based on an Indian concept called Veda Vasishta.
And also the kumaran sir says about the deadly wepons used by rama in Ramayan is equivalent to todays missiles.
So where have all the indian concepts, technologies , ablities, etc have gone.
someone has to take up this subject seriosly and start investigating to find out more traces and clues about all these things.
i have only so much to say.bye .thanks for kumaran sir for bringing out the artile in time magazine.
Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye ByeBye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye take care