Time as the name suggests should be keeping us up to date with time.It is but not with Asian time but American time.I have been reading Time magazine since quite some time and have seen that inspite of being an Asian edition it hardly covers much of the issues in Asia and even if it does it doesnt give more than 2 pages to it.Not that 2 pages arent enough but when you compare it with the 5 to 6 pages dedicated to Mr.George Bush and his politics in every issue then I guess it is not enough.If they call it an Asian edition then it should be an Asian edition and not an American oriented Asian edition.They should learn to cover all Asian related issues and not American politics.It would also increase their subscriber base in India.Another thing is that it is too costly and most Indians cant afford a 90 buck magazine per week.The only good thing about it is that the paper quality is excellent.I will advice you to think twice before you plan to buy it.