News Channels are just like *Pan-Thelas *in India. These days everyday or another a new channel comes up. Regarding quality, its better if we dont talk of that, as these people really dont understand this word! We all are familiar with India TV, Aaj Tak, Janmat etc.(never ending list) But there are few good news channels like, NDTV Hindi, NDTV English, Times Now. But what I like about Times Now is their selection of news and the way they deliver it. Times Now always focuses on SERIOUS, BIG and National or international issues rather than finding out who was the robber in your neighbourhood robbery and such Crap$!
Its Editor Mr. Swaninathan, is one of the best in India.(If you will agree with me if you read his articles in Sunday TOI or watch his programmes on TImes Now.) There might be a delay of 5-10 minutes sometimes in reporting some news, but then Times Now(as far I know) has not telecasted wrong information and then apologize for the same.
Also, I was greattly impressed by their recent campaigns likeIndia Poised andLead India which is still going on. Its really a great platform for Indian Citizens to raise their voice. But unfortunately I wasnt able to participate as I was not eligible for as per their age rules.
So overall I would like to say, Having such responsible 3-4 channls is a must!