After my harrowing experience with remit2india, I thought Ill use quickremit.
After one month today they call me to tell me that my transaction didnt go through. It took more than a month to know your money is somewhere with the HDFC bank or TOM and your Car Loan Cheque has bounced for the second consecutive month!
Ill be dead. Is this what you call service? Im really pissed off with TOM transactions. I have no idea when Ill see my money again. How can I advice some one to use their services when my transaction didnt go through? One month is like eternity in todays fast world. You need money today, now.
I found a better way to send money through Moneygram. For$1000 they charged me less than 12 dollars. And the exchange rate was the same as my bank would give if I had sent a cheque. It was 38 paise more than Quickremit. I dont think its too bad for an instant transfer. At least you know whether your money was delivered or not. You dont have to email them everyday or call them.
Personally I dont like transactions that cannot be tracked. Quickremit, Remit2india, and all those TOM services do not have an efficient tracking mechanism. They never update their site with the status. The status showedDelivered for the last one month before they called me to give me the bad news. Should I feel thankful that they called me?
This is my conclusion. If its important, be ready to spent some money for the service. Please check with Moneygram or WesternUnion first and compare the service charge and exchange rate with otherfree services. Chances are that the difference will not be much. And you get the advantage of instant pickup. There are times when you cannot put a price to that.
This is just a personal advice. I am not paid by any of these services(I wish I was!). Contact me jijotomy at gmail dot com if you need any clarification. Ill be happy to help.