Now a days in the 21st century it is like a show off thing without show off we cant sell any product and without show off we will not buy anything.
The Brand plays an important role in our life because It matters in every corner of our life even in our job we buy the shirts or especially watches which are a brand one for leading a successful life and getting a business or making impression on client we require brand items.
Especially the Watches we are in a service industry where we give watches especially the TIMEX brand watches to our client and they feel awsome for which we get a good amount of business from them not only that but when ever we go for a meeting we must wear this watches so that we can make an impression.
This watch looks cool and also the design and look wise it is so comfort with compare to other watches and also the Brand which matters most.
Even for a date I wear the watch compulsory.
I recommend this to every one to buy this because it will be very useful in our daily life.