I ordered for WD HDDs(Order # 1055803) on timtara website on 25th December 2011. However, after following up with them for about four months, my order was cancelled and they informed for refund. Yet again, they on the one pretext or the other, were able to take me for a ride for about one and half months. In a bid to get my money back, I contacted my banker HSBC. They informed me to send the details of the transactions in thecustomtakeouter Dispute Form along with the evidence for refund of payment by them. I send all details as required by HSBC Bank. To my goodness, the case was resolved by HSBC within 7 days in the month of June 2012 and my money was credited back to my account. This mode can be used for all online payment methods.
Through this channel, I wish to make aware all sufferers at the hands of timtara. Please google for customtakeouter Dispute Form for credit card / debit card / online transfers of your bank and the required details along with the evidence of cancellation of order and refund status to your banker and you would be able to get your money back fast.
I am also providing link for the Dispute form for some of the major banks for credit card:
I hope, this would help all concerned. If anyone needs further information or assistance, feel free to contact me.
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It is clear that the above positive reviews are sponsored by timtara only. They can go to any extent. They dont deserve a place in the society, time is not far when they would be behind bars.