*My Self Sanjay Mathur purchased micromax A100 From Timtara .com on 4 sept. 2012
Transaction Id : 10140505
Order Date: 04th Sep 2012 08:21 am
Payment Mode: Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking
Order No.10319712 Micromax Superfone Canvas A100 Mobile Phone(Canvas A100) Rs. 8, 999*
1 response from timtara
*Your Product is Ready for the Shipment
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timtara customtakeouter First customtakeouterfirst@timtara.com
Sep 9*
further my communications & mails to timtara regarding delivery than after October 10 regarding refund this is only my mails to timtara .com, further beside mail communication I called customtakeouter care for about 5 times with a repeated answer you will get call or mail from our side within 24 Hours , my mails are as under time line starts from my todays mail to timtara at 9.37 AM on 10/ november 2012 All I have received from timtara is auto generated mails to my complaints regarding deliveries & refund.
Team timtara
Thank You for Feedback - from the timtara team. We thank you for guiding us and spending your precious time. We look forward to a great and enjoyable
9:37 am
timtara customtakeouter First (2)
Sanjay Mathur , We have received your query. - Regards team timtara Within 7 months of launch, timtara.com is rated No. 1 for User Experience & is listed in top 20 hottest
Nov 9
customtakeouter Care
Thank You For Writing Us Re: Reminder request to cancel my order no 10319712, , cancellat... - Greetings from timtara family, We request you to submit your query by clicking on the link given below. We shall reply to you
Nov 9
Reminder request to cancel my order no 10319712, , cancellation ref no 53486 given by cus... - Dear Team timtara I requested your customtakeouter care no 0130 6670700 for cancellation , they provided ref no which is 53486. for
Nov 9
Reminder request to cancel my order no 10319712, , and make , refund of the same without... - nisha@timtara.com. but no response, please confirm, my request to cancel my order no 10319712, , and do the needfull to make
Nov 9
me (2)
request for cancellation of order no 10319712, - nisha@timtara.com Dear Madam, I requested your customtakeouter care no 0130 6670700 for cancellation , they provided ref no which
Nov 7
timtara customtakeouter First
Re: [#43486]: ORDER RELATED QUERY - Regards team timtara Within 7 months of launch, timtara.com is rated No. 1 for User Experience & is listed in top 20 hottest
Sep 29
timtara customtakeouter First
Support Ticket Opened [#53486] - Thanks team timtara THIS IS A SYSTEM GENERATED EMAIL. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY BACK. Within 7 months of launch, timtara.com is
Sep 28
Team timtara
Thank You for Feedback - from the timtara team. We thank you for guiding us and spending your precious time. We look forward to a great and enjoyable
Sep 25
timtara customtakeouter First
Sanjay Mathur , We have received your query. - Regards team timtara Within 7 months of launch, timtara.com is rated No. 1 for User Experience & is listed in top 20 hottest
Sep 25
timtara customtakeouter First
Your Product is Ready for the Shipment - https://timtara.com Your payment has been realized in our account & your order #10319712 is in process of shipment. We will
Sep 9
timtara customtakeouter First
Sanjay Mathur, We have received your query. - Regards team timtara Within 7 months of launch, timtara.com is rated No. 1 for User Experience & is listed in top 20 hottest
Sep 7
Team timtara
Thank You for Feedback - from the timtara team. We thank you for guiding us and spending your precious time. We look forward to a great and enjoyable
Sep 4
Team timtara
Welcome to timtara.com - Greetings from timtara team! We are pleased to welcome you to our extended family. Kindly verify your Email address by clicking
Sep 4
Team timtara
Your timtara Order Confirmation - https://timtara.com/account.php?action=order_status to view your order status and to contact us regarding this order.Sep 4is this no of communication is not sufficient for a company to respond, this shows, there is no willingness to respond towards delivering products , after that to resist refunds till they are forgotten, I am not the guy who forgets to be fooled , will update my experience to every one in the Google world where this company belongs to and with the govt machinery starting from my FIR against company upon the address of noida mentioned in website., further giving my details to concerned departments and list of moutshut complaints not reviews of timtara .com, after consulting my lawyer for a noble cause to save lot of other sanjay mathur from like wise timtara .com
will update my deal.
I further request you to spread the saying. Read site reviews before buying anything in this google world (Internet) Regularly