We had ordered a LG microwave from Timtara.com in Jan 2012, however we never got the product delivered and till date no refund has also been credited from there end. We are waiting for the product and then for the refund from last 9 months without any fruitful response from Timtaras end. Details of the order is given below for your reference:
Order ID: 10171569
Product Code: 123419
Product Name: LG MJ3281BPG 32Ltr Convection Microwave Oven
Order Date: 17-01-2012 @ 12:06 AM
Current Order Status: Payment refund pending(for last 3-4 months)
Amount Paid(after discount): Rs. 17, 990
The product was a gift for my wife s previous birthday and the payment for the same was made from his Credit Card using her login in Timtaras website. From the date of order we had called Timtara enormous times and also emailed them couple of times just to hear some false/fake reason and comments. However, till date no positive action has been taken by them in rRajeev_Vermact to the product delivery and currently refund of the good amount of our money they are holding back with them from us.
If you check Timtara.com the above mentioned product is always available(In Stock) and I have not seen the same product to go out of stock for last 9 months, still they were not able to deliver the product nor provide the refund in last 9 months!
We need your help and support to get a positive resolution to this issue and get back our hard earned money from such a cheat and money laundering company as soon as possible. Looking forward for a positive response.