Hey people...I am Karan from Ghaziabad. I too ordered an iPad from this fraud site way back in Sep 2012. As everybodys case, didnt get any order deliver neither any response against my order cancellation request.
Finally in MMarch, 2013 I decided to visit their office which was a total mess. After quite a quarrel I was successful in getting a refund cheque which bounced.
Which made me visit for the second time and alas! their address changed and they had that unauthorized gun men to scare off people. Finally a day later I went again to get my second refund cheque which again bounced but on the second deposition trial it succeeded on 29th of March.
In all my exercise I could get those f@#$%^^ direct office contact number which I am mentioning here. The name of their sort of manager is Ritesh. Do try and make a call. Hope this might help you guys.
Contact no. Timtara office(known as infosecure consulting): 0120-4206311
Karan Gupta