If u are concerned about your money please dont take any thing from timtara. You may be attracted by the offers and stuffs but the fact is that this discount stuff is gonna take your money. Here is ma story my order number is 10223350 . I orderd for a moto defy on 26th of may and as far as their policy is consirned they where to deliver my item on 07th of april. On 27th of may I came to know that this was a fraud site and I messaged to timtara regarding the matter. a person named raja singh replied me impolitely that you have to wait until 07th of April and it is their policy. kk then I waited till 07th and messaged them on 09th but no reply.
So I spent a whole day for this matter and the thing 4 which I spent a day was that I was trying to call their customtakeouter care. at last @ 3.30 someone for gods grace took the phone and told the thing will be dispatched on Monday but the promise was broken.
Again I stayed @ home and @ many tries some one took the phone and told the will dispatch the thing this weak itself but now no reply or they wont take the phone. The main thing is that their customtakeouter service is the worst in the world they are real frauds.