Timtara is a fraud site which posts items on its websites which it does not sell. Once the consumer pays for such product, they keep on delaying the order giving false assurances. In the process, they earn interest on the amount paid in advance. After getting frustrated for months, consumers have no option but to cancel the order and ask for refund. They also do not cancel the order immediately and refund the amount and keep on delaying.
I had ordered an AO Smith Geyser SBS-25 vide Order no. 10345978 dated 30.10.2012 and paid Rs. 8900/-. Till date they have not delivered the order. While now I have cancelled the order and purchased the product from open market, they have not yet responded to my numerous requests for order cancellation and refund. The order status is showing "awaiting shipment" since 30th October, 2012. They have shutdown their email address for receving complaints and you have to post your complaint on their website, which they delete immediately without recording it. There customer sevice personnel are trained to speak lies again and again to enable them to delay the execution of the orders, and thereby earn more interest on the amount paid. Once their personnel informed me that the delay is because of the manufacturer who has not shipped the item. But when I called up the AO Smith manufacturing office at Bangalore, they informed me that they do not have any selling arrangement with Timtara.com. This has nailed their lie.
It is a completely fraudulent website and I urge customers not to fall in their trap and should not purchase any product from their website.