Don’t Worry.I got my money back from my ICICI bank credit card.I oredered a samsung note amount Rs25299/- on Nov 16 but still I didn’t get any .Then I know that they are the biggest fraud.
Then what I done is "The way to get back Money"
1)Immediately call to your customer care that you paid money by Ceditcard/debit card/Bank
2)Inform that you are fraud by that web site and inform the gate way u paid money and you need the money charge back.
3)They will regiter your complaint and will give u a complint no.and inform u to make mail with following informations.
Your Name, Card No., Mercent Name(Payment gate way that you paid money that which come in your credit card bill), Transation date, Transation Amount, Dispatch period(3 weeks).
Also make a disput that you ordered and paid money on that date and afer thee weeks u didnt get material .Also they didnt give proper response.The following details in a paper and sign it and scan the paper .Make a mail with the complint no.( which already get from your phone customer care) to your cedit card /Bank customer care mail ID.Thats all.
You will get a temperery credit retun from your bank.100% with in 7 days Trust Me.I Got it from ICICI bank credit card.Also I got Final money back after 3 Months.Finally I Got it.
But this is not the End .We have to do some thing to block this frad web site and make some thing that this type of web site should not create further.
Please inform how to give a complint to information technology minister, PM, CM of UP and IG of UP.
We pepole make mail to all those persons and make a result.