I had purchased the IPHONE 5 from timtara on 11/12/2012 and was supposed to get delivery of the same on or before 2/1/2013 but they have not sent me product so I escalated it to PMOs Office, President of India Secretariat and also sent mail to following government authorities which includes various ministries and various authorities appointed by Central and State government such as CBI, Cyber crime branch etc to keep watch on fraudulent companies. Email Id of those authorities are as under:-
minister-food@nic.in, kvthomas@asia.com, mocit@nic.in, ed-del-rev@nic.in, rsecy@nic.in, speou9del@cbi.gov.in, speou8del@cbi.gov.in, feedbk@fiuindia.gov.in, prabodh.saxena@nic.in, helpdesk@fiuindia.gov.in, asegov@nic.in, c.malviya@nic.in, ajay@mit.gov.in, grai@mit.gov.in, takhan@nic.in, cybercell.navimumbai@mahapolice.gov.in, pankaj.joshi@nic.in, dir-ddiii.wel@nic.in, cpio-la@nic.in, capio-la@nic.in, kv.kumar@nic.in, lci-dla@nic.in, ceib1@bol.net.in, arvind.seth@nic.in, v.rashmi@nic.in, webmaster@incometaxindia.gov.in
In one days time I got my refund. Its fraud company so do not buy product from it. Kindly send maximum mails to above emails so quick action can be taken against timtara. Send maximum mails plz.. And I am sure I will take lead and fight against company till action taken by Government and CBI Authorities against this fraud company and put all culprits behind the bar and further more I had paid money for product and not for getting back refund.
I also sent written complaint to Various Authorities by courier. The complaint sent is as under (MAy be useful for you for drafting your complain):-
My Name
My Address
Date: 23/01/2013.
The Hon’ble DIG of Police,
Agra Range-7, Kutchery Road,
Balu Ganj, Agra
RRajeev_Vermacted Sir,
Sub: Looting of money by website called https://timtara.com.
Ref: My order No. 10366240 placed on website https://timtara.com.
With reference to above subject I would like to state as under:-
One e-commerce company named Infosecure Consulting Pvt. Ltd. B-26 Second Floor, Sector 8, Noida, Uttar Pradesh -201301 is running website https://timtara.com to sale electronic goods online. This website gives advertisement for sale of Electronics goods at around 15-20% discount at it market price and assures delivery of the product in 3 weeks by taking price of product in advance and there after never ship the product. If buyer takes legal action or contact Government authorities then company cancel the order on its own and sometimes refunded the money and most of time never refunds the money. This company looting the hard earned money of common mans in Crores. And doing nothing but money laundering business. Kindly take suitable action against this company as this company looting crores rupees of poor peoples. If you search on Google the word https://timtara.com you will find thousands of complains against this company for either not dispatching product or for not refunding the money. To commit this crime/fraud one other company named TimesofMoney Ltd, 4th Floor, Times Tower, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai – 400013 also helping to Infosecure Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Even some reputed TV channel such as CNBC and some other channels exposed this company on their channel. Still this company running smoothly and taking/accepting money from thousands of innocent peoples and not dispatching products to them.
This fraud may be in Crores of rupees so kindly take action against this fraud company before it again deceive father more thousand peoples and thousand of Crores.
Even this company deceived this way:- I had purchased Apple Iphone 5 from said website on 11th December 2012 vide Order # 10366240 duly making payment of Rs. 41200/- in advance, and while placing order and even after that it was communicated me that my product will be delivered to me on or before 2nd January 2013 but still date neither I have received the product nor they dispatched the product. Company website is showing status of my order as “This order is marked as Awaiting Shipment”. To dispatch said product I had send many mails to company but company never took cognizance of my complaint.
After making complaint to various authorities this company refunded my money even though I had not asked for cancelling the order and not dispatched the product.
On this use I have filed complain with I. President of India Secretariat II. PMO’s Office III. CBI & other Central and State Government Authorities. On this I got reply from CBI stating to file complain with you. Hence I am filing this written complaint against above both the companies to you.
As you are authorized to take action against both these fraud company, kindly take lead and legal action against these companies immediately.
Thanking you very much
Yours faithfully
(My Name)
CC to:-
Hoh’ble The President of India Secretariats, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi-110 004.
Hon’ble The PMO’s Office, South Block, Raisina Hill, New Delhi-110011.
Hon’ble CBI Head Office (Cyber Crime & Economic Crime), Plot No 5-B, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Infosecure Consulting Pvt. Ltd. B-26 Second Floor, Sector 8, Noida, Uttar Pradesh -201301
TimesofMoney Ltd, 4th Floor, Times Tower, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai – 4000 Enclosure:-
Copy of My bank Statement.
Order confirmation mail sent by https://timtara.com