I purchase goods worth Rs. 13173 from timtara.com. Order delivery date was 5 days to 3 weeks for different products. Not a single product delivered after 4 weeks, checked on website thousands are customers are waiting for products. They dont have products, so they advertise give huge discounts, and then never deliver the product. They are still sending me those promotional emails withsame products that they are not able to deliver.
They do not reply to emails.
Customer support will tell you product will be delivered soon, WHEN? they dont have answer to that.There are some customers who have not received product or refund since last 4 months. I have informed my Bank that this is fraud site and have applied for chargeback.
Arindam Bose is the MD and he will never reply https://in.linkedin.com/pub/arindam-bose/18/843/6a5