I understand Timtara fraud, as I was cheated by them once. They dont worry about costumers, their main business is take your money and keep it with them and do other business with your money . after they use your money for many days, if some one like, banks, or gateways interfere then you can get your money back. Even though if you call thousand times to timtara.com, all you get is high BP, but will be of no use, there are 2 ways you can get money back.
1)Call your credit card bank and lodge a complaint that you are not getting any refund from timtara.com, for example: in my case HDFC card there is dispute form, which you need to fill. Then credit card company will follow up with your payment gateways like payu, atom tech, ccavenue etc, ebs.in etc....Timtara changes gateway from time to time. So refer your credit card statement to know your gateway. And gateway people will follow up with timtara
2)Else get the phone numbers/ emails from gateway website, and lodge a complaint with them directly. I believe police complaints and consumer forum complaints will be tedious process and will not be of much use I guess.
I got my money back after directly following up with ATOM tech, (my payment gateway).
helpdesk@atomtech.in. They put lot of pressure on Timtara for the refund and get your job done.