I have ordered a samsung galaxy, Philips DVD player DVP 3556 and molife slip on 26th April 2012. It was mentioned in the order that it will be delivered in 10-15 days, but it has still not been delivered.
Whenever I called customer care (99 out of 100 times they won’t attend it will be busy) they confirmed that they dont know about product status when shipped and why so late, Custmer care executive only told me that they forward complaints to there seniors and seniors will call me. But till date not get any single responce on Timtara site.
I also sent many mails to customtakeouterfirst@timtara.com, cco@timtara.com and raja@timtara.com, but they have not respond any one....
Also till date not gate any confirmation about my order.Total 29 days are completed for purchase my order.
order ID : 10244860, 10244862, 10244864
transaction ID : 10108778
order date: 26th April 2012 03:03 pm
payment mode: Net banking